Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Yaaa P-DAY!!!

Well your getting a letter and you know what that means, P-Day!

Well the week went by really fast again. It could be because we had our last P-day on thursday.  Thats why it seemed like you got your email from me a day late. 

Well today was really a lame p day. We went to DI a little before 10:00 to be the first set of missionarys there to grab the good ties. Well we felt like nerds because there was a whole line of people that gatered out there. It felt weird trying to be the first ones into a thrift store! The bad part of the story was there was no good ties or books or anything! We also went and warshed the Corlla and then went home and waxed on and waxed off! Grandpa would be proud of me, but not proud that we did not use Dupont Wax! (That is the best wax he says! And I think so also)

I am on the hunt for a tie rack hanger. Just something to hang my ties on and keep orgnized. If you see a good one snag it because i am not having any luck at the moment! 

Things have not really changed as far as the work goes here in our areas. Things still are slow but we keep working hard. We are still busy contacting leadership and we have gotten lots of refferls out of it but nothing promising so far. I think things will pick up here soon, or at least i hope.

Oh Mom and Dad, get as many tickets to gen conferance as you can. And the best seats possible to send to me. I cant get tickets to every session here so the more you can get me the better. And any of the extras i can give to some other missionarys. 

Well one set of missionarys in our zone had 19 baptisms this last week! And as a zone we set a goal of 22 for the month. So we have already reached our goal so next week we will have an all day P day! That will be sa nice. We will get to do a zone activty that night and watch a movie like Rember the Titins! It will be the first movie i have watched in 3 months other then the Joseph Smith Movie which i have seen around 20 times already. 

Tonight will be a fun night though. We get to go to a mutual activity. It will be at the Huntsmans home. This is the Huntsmans who donated tons of money to the Utah U for cancer reasearch and is really famous here. The activity is in his basement. A full blown bowling alley! We are so stoked! But we are there to meet the youth and meet the non members that they bring with them to the activity. And of course to bowl for a little while. 

Dad keeps wanting to know how our WML's are doing so here it is, we meet with them at least once every other week as a stake. In that meeting we go over with them one on one how they are coming with helping us find people to teach and how any of our current investagators are doing. Right now we are covering two stakes still, Foothill and Mounument Park Stakes. On Sundays we just try to attend as many Sac meetings as we can. We choose by first going to the ones where we have an investagator there and then to the ones we have not been to in a while. We typically go to around 3-4 a week. We would be able to go to more but we have meetings that day also and about half of the wards Sac meeting start at 1:00 PM. So we miss being able to make a lot because of that! We have only 3 church buildings in our area but that is only becasue our Foothill Stake Center is torn down to re build a bigger one. So we cover two more buildings out of our area and one that is out of our zone. We have to do this because Foothill is down a chapel now. So they have moved all the wards that meet there to the other three and scatterd them out all over the place. 

Well i think that is about it for this week. I still have not heard from Angie yet!!!!!! BOORAY what the heck???!!!! I need the 411 on things.  Well everyone take care and ill be waiting for those packages! I can't wait!!!! Oh and Jeff good job on biffing on the wake board! If I tried to flip i would have landed and it would have been narley and the board still would have been in one piece! (Or i would have done a belly flop!) Take care and ill be looking forward to next weeks emails! Also if you send one back to me before 5 my time ill be able to reply! So ill check before i leave! Peace Out!

Elder Owen
Salt Lake City Mission

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