Thursday, July 30, 2009

Transfer Week

Hey Hey! No mom i was not sneaking on computers! It was all legal! I had permission to do that! Haha nice try! Yes i got your package! Thanks. What is that cord you sent me? I need a SD memory card converter to USB. That way i plug in my memory card into the computer and can load the pictures on it via that. 
ANGIE WAS AT THE PARADE???????? I WAS TOO!!!!!! I was over on 200 S and 500 E I think! That would have been crazy to run into them!!! Hahahahaha! We were out doing street contacting that day. The best was seeing the motorcycle cops pulling wheelies on their bikes!!!! I did run into sister Erickson from the Coppell First ward. She took a picture of me and her so you can ask for that. I also met the Hansens aunt like you were saying! She asked where i was from and i said Dallas and she said I have two nephews that are going to West Point there. Then i asked if it was Matt and Mitchell. She is in one of the wards i cover. Small world huh! 

Well I stayed in the same area again. I did get a new comp which is good. He is way cool!!! His name is elder Fulneer Transfers were on Wed. We stayed up till 12 talking!!! He is fun and it will be a good transfer. He is from Tennessee and has been out 19 months. 

We also got a new car. New as in BRAND NEW! 2010 Corral! Its so much nicer then our last one. I am the driver again so its fun. Dad said as soon as winter gets here i will get a bike. I hope not. I also guess on days they have bad roads here they will call us and not less us drive that day. 

We also met the patriarch of the church!!!! Brother Smith. 102 years old he still drives! He has the original cloths that Hyram Smith was wearing the day he was killed with Joesph at jail. He has the shirt vest and pants. One of the pocket watches that was shot and another good one he had. His sun glasses. They were not Oakleys though! Haha. And he had Alvin Smiths lap desk he made!!! Joesph used this very desk to keep the gold plates and other things that he got in the hill. He just has this stuff at his house. I have pics of that so when i mail off the package to you this week or next week ill put my memory card in it!

Dad asked how i could use an ipod. We can run itunes on the computers we have here to do email. So i can load all my music i have now and put it on the ipod. Dont worry about having anything on it i can do all that on my pday! I can get all the conference talks and music on it and other cd talks other people have here.

Well last transfer we got our goal of 5 baptisms. The dog lady got baptized at 6AM on Tuesday before we had transfers. We are running dry on people to teach now. So we are going to do a Zone find and have everyone in our zone come in and tract and help us. We only have like 3 investigators now we are teaching.

Well i gotta go. Send me an email back soon so if i get a chance to send another i can reply.

Lots of love!

Edizzze Owen

Elder Owen
Salt Lake City Mission

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Letter July 29 (From DAD)


I thought Id send you a quick note and check in You said that I have not sent you any letters yet and Im not sure what that’s all about, because I have sent several to you at the MTC I guess you did not get them.

Its been a busy month here with Mom and I going out for town for almost two weeks, then back home to get on top of things, up to the cabin, etc. Go, Go, Go. We just got back last night from the cabin. We went up Sunday night, and came home last night. We went to change out the rental company. It was all work and now play. We did not even pull out any 4 wheelers. I hope the new one will be better to work with. What a joke.

I dont have you last letter to review for notes or comments, but it sounds like you’re doing great!  We were talking to Lisa Hansen and she said someone in one of your wards knows them. Its a small world, and you will run into others along the way. Who knows, you might run into us some day as we are in SLC.

It sounds like you like your area, but it will be time to make a change soon. They can send you packing or keep you set and send your comp. So time will tell. Transfers are always a mixed bag. Looking forward to new people, but at the same time not wanting to leave the ones you have come to know and love. I know you will keep us posted. Im sure that by the time old man winter gets here, it will be time for you to get a bike, so get ready.

By the sounds of your letters, the work is going very good, and that’s a good thing. Have you found and started to teach new families? What has been your best way of finding people? Im sure a lot comes from other members. I dont remember her name, but you had a lady you were teaching and had a date set to be baptized. How is she doing? I hope she is learning and growing, as she gets ready for that big day.

Did you get your suits fixed? Did they give you any problem? How has everything been holding up? I hope its all working out ok.

You keep asking for an iPod. How do you plan on using it? Do you need for me to load it with everything and send it to you? If so, what do you want on it? How do you plan on adding things to it?

Not much more has changed around here, so keep up the hard work, follow the rules, humble yourself, seek the spirit, and you and your families will be blessed.

Love, Dad

July 29. 2009

Dear Scott, Well where does the time go?  These weeks are still flying by!
We have been up in Broken Bow the last couple of days.  Not a fun trip by my standards!  All we did was clean, and clean.  It rained all day on Monday, so the boys did not even get out the 4-lers.  Just a lot of laundry, cleaning ceiling fans, and washing decks and windows.  Brooke and her kids went with us.  We got home last night at 10 p.m.  Oh well, we are switching rental companies, so we really needed to get up there and take care of things, like changing all the locks.

At church last Sunday, I talked with Bro. Beard.  He wanted me to tell you hello, and let you know that "he was still working on it" .  He said you would know what he was talking about.  I showed him the picture of you and Elder Ballard.  He thought you were doing great!

I will mail off your copy of the Mormon Tab. Choir CD that dad burned for you this week.  I know you would like some new tunes to listen to. I did mail you a little box last week, so I hope you got it.  I can't mail packages every week, but I think you would love it if I did! :)

Not much going on around here.  Mark is quite bored with life.  Nothing to do this summer!!  Jeff is working a lot, but this week his hours were cut by 2 days.  He is at Hurricane Harbor with friends today.

Angie just got home from her week in Utah with Ryan.  She had a lot of fun, went to Payson Lakes, a parade on the 24th, Trolley Square, shopping, and had fun.  She flew home in first class and loved it.  Spoiled girl!
She is back to the grind, and the heat.  Her car pooped out on her, and she and Ryan are out looking at cars today.  She thought she might get a Honda.  I will let you know what she decides.  She is getting ready for the school year to start up.  She is teaching 5th grade math this year, also at the same school.

This week is Megan's birthday.  I am not sure what the plans are, but Happy Birthday to cute Megan!!  Blake was over here today and now wears big boy undies.  He loves them.  He kept trying to go 'doutz" but no luck!!  Both he and Nate are about potty trained! Yeah!  Now that is bog news!!!
Still loving my BOM reading.  I am reading in Helaman this week, and should be into 3rd Nephi really soon. I am busy working on the Stake Nativity.  I hope it will be a good missionary tool.  Maybe you will get to see one in Utah this Dec.?
Let us know all about your week, I know you are trying hard to be a good missionary and are having a lot of success.
Love you so much, and miss you too.   I am attaching a couple more pics of our trip to Europe.  The first one was taken in Scotland, the next was eating belgium waffles in Belgium!!  Enjoy!  Send pictures when you can.  You need to mail some home so Angie can be working on your mission journal! :)  You can print them in SLC, and then mail them, your not THAT poor!!!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Texas News

Dear Scott,
Well this will be attempt #2 at sending you a letter.  I wrote one yesterday, and we think it got lost?  My computer has been a mess, and we have had all sorts of trouble with it.  You may get 2 letters from me today, who knows?  Oh well, would rather you get 2 than none at all.

This week has been a busy one.  We made it home from our trip.  We had a great time.  So much to see and do in Europe.  I think my favorite was Scotland, and Normandy France.  It was neat to see all the D-day memorials at Omaha Beach.  So many american soldiers died that day.  Very  sad.
Anyway, we are home and back to the grind.

Jeff has been working a lot at the range.  It has been so hot, it has slowed business down.  He works Wed. thru Sat.  He is in the office a lot it seems.  He is glad to be earning a few shekels.  He has met a new friend, a relative of the Normans.  His name is Braxton, and he seems to be really nice.  He is only her for a few weeks, but they have had fun.  They got the old motorcycle from Michael and have fixed it up.  Now it just needs to get out of my garage!!!  AARRGGGHHHH!

Well this weekend we are going up to Broken Bow.  We are switching rental companies, so we have to change the locks, and take up a bunch of new bedding and towels, linens etc.  Brooke and the kids are going up too.  Don't know if we will take the boat.  It will be a fairly fast trip.  Come home on Sunday night.

I am still reading in the BOM.  By the end of this week, I should be in Helaman.  It is so great to be reading it, and I have learned so much.
I love to hear all about your investigators, and what you are doing.  Dad and I loved that you were looking forward to mowing a lawn and doing something physical!  How did that go? Do you get to do service projects on your p-days?

Well, I think our a/c is slowly going bad.  Dad has got a guy coming this morning to check it out and tell us what we need for a new system.  Not a fun thing to spend money on, but it is so hot here it is necessary!!!  Maybe a new one would be a lot more energy efficiant too.  I will keep you posted on that mess! :)

I am attaching a few pictures for you.

Mrs. Hebert and me in Scotland at the Edinburgh Castle,  Grandpa and Andrews boys celebrating his birthday with a candy bar card, and a picture of the family on Fathers day.  I think everyone looks the same, huh?

Anyway, lots of love to you,  We know you are working sa hard and being a great Elder in the SLC mission!!!
Love, Mom & Dad

Gun Range/Hi from Jeff

Hi Scott, this is Jeff.
Jeanne needs the i-tunes password for her i-phone to update it to the new system.  She said you are the only one that know it?  She is waiting on it.  Can you send that to Mom today?
The range is going good.  Everyone is wondering how you are doing.  Stephanie quit, and Ryan is now in the army.  Other than that, things are going about the same.
I went out with the missionaries in our ward.  It was their p-day and we play laser tag.  Sweet!
Don't speed!  Sounds like you have cute car!:)  Wow a Corolla.  Angie's car has gone poop.  She is giving it up for good, and is shopping for a new car.  Don't worry though, the green truck keeps on truckin!  We will save it for you!

Your Fav Missionary Again

Hello Hello yall!

Well you wont even believe half of the things that happended this last week. Well last sundee my talk was good. In front of Elder Ballard that is!!!! He said i did a good job though. I got a picture with him and I in it so i will have to email you that sometime. I got to the family history center and remembered i forgot my camera and everything!!! Stupied me! Its a good picture though! I may be able to send it to you later today i think. Well it sounds like all is well still in Zion down there. Thats good. Dad you may have to send me a privite email about all the new guns you have bought. Have you gotten that reloader going yet?! I have not heard from dad but only once at the MTC. I never got the other letter he said he sent when i left to go out in the field. 

Well we had another baptism this weekend. Her name was Chelsia Saxe. She was a different kind of person though ill just say that. She had mood swings alllll the time. She would be nice and real angey at everyone. But she loved my comp and that is the only reason she was baptized. She never even said a word to me at her baptism or confirmation. I think she just hated me for some unknown reason. I didnt think she was ready for baptism when she would call threating people to call off her baptism if they didnt do everything she wanted! I dont think she has been my best experance so far! Hahaha. But oh well thats over now. 

We have another baptism this sundee and tuesdee!!! A double whammy! Me gusta mucho! Josh Besser is on sundee and Elizibeth Shui on tuesdee. Both of them are sooo cool. Josh has been ready for a lonnnnngggg time now but did not think he was ready for baptism. We have tricks though about making him think other wise to where he is ready! He has had his own set of scriptures and has basicly been considered a member for a while. 
And yes i am getting Elizibeth baptized also!!!! I have tought her basicly all on my own. Yesterday was the first time my comp has had a lesson with her. We have always been on exchanges with our Zone Leaders or District Leader when i have tought her. She is the coolest investagator anyone could ever have. She is considered a platium investagator because she was so ready to hear this message. Her baptism is going to be on Tuesday at.... 6:00 AM! Whaaaaaaat! And the font takes 3 hours to fill up! So guess who gets to be the luckey ones to wake up and fill it up? You guessed right me and my comp! We will have to be at the church at 2:30 to turn it on! Thats preatty crazy man! Its worth it though! So that will put us at 5 baptisms for this transfer which will end this next Wed. So our P-Day will be on Thursday next week because of the transfers. Who knows where i am going to go! I am really liking the area i am in right now. I dont want to leave the current people we have been teaching. There will deffently be baptisms from our current investagators. 

Well i am sure that you wanted to hear how the roofing went. Well it was cool and they loved having us over to help them. We ended up going back over monday night to finish it. It took so long because we didnt have a nail gun! We did it all by hand to it took for ever. We are allowed to do service anytime really if we have any to do. Doing that roof was a work out. I was dripping with sweat the whole time!!! This dry heat is worse I think because it always seems like it is burning you! 

We went to the temple again today. It has been a while because it has been closed for the past two weeks for work. Every so often we get to go and do service in the temple if we are picked. When we do it i have been told we get to go into every room there. Like where the prophet and the 12 meet every week! And all of these other cool rooms for them. I want to go and see it all soon. 

Well just FYI mom, if you are up here again you can drop off a package or mail or anything at the mission office. That is fine and it will save you on postage! Just so you dont have to mail me boxes from Logan. I am so needing some new mo tab music. That one CD i have Called to Serve is getting a little old after listening to that one CD for 4 weeks! Haha. And the other one i have i cant listen to because it is not mo tab! I want to get some more but they are like 15 bucks. I don't have that kind of money to spend anymore! Haha so that would be something i would like in the future.

I got a letter from one of the primary CTR classes. They told me what they had learned that day and signed there names.

Well i have to get going to keep me up to date one everything. Love ya lots!

Elder Owen
Elder Owen
Salt Lake City Mission

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Elder Pearl and I at the Temple

Chris Browns Bap pics (In the green Shirt)

Chyanne Rust Baptism

Our Mission Car No JOKE

My Fav quote so far

Friday, July 17, 2009

Oh Busy Busy! (From BROOKE)

Hey Big Elder Owen!  What up?

I love getting your letters!  So fun to hear how great you are doing.  All the kids are asleep right now, so I am just trying to get some things done.  

I have decided to become an ISR (Infant Swim Resource) Teacher.  Nate has been taking lessons for 8 weeks now and is finally starting to get it.  I think the program is so great, that I wanted to train to teach myself.  So I am already supper busy with that getting things ready.  Still not sure when training might start, but prob in the next few weeks or so!  Im really excited about it, but a little nervous at the same time.  It will be really intense training for 6 weeks.  I had gotten so frustrated that Nate was just not getting it that I had Chad give him a blessing.  Monday morning Nate didn't do so hot.  Got a blessing Monday night and on Tuesday his teacher said he did so great and that a light bulb must have gone off!  Oh the power of the priesthood.  I'm sure you are witnessing that everyday! 

Chad is working hard on getting the gun range up and going.  He's almost done with the business plan and then just has to find some money!  It for sure will be up and going by the time you get back!  :)  

Kids are starting to wake up.  Have a great week!  

Here is a cheesy picture of Nate!  We are working on potty training!  His big 2 year bday is on Friday!  Wish you could be here to party down with us!  

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Still in SLC

Well keep rubbing in the whole Europe trip and such! Sounds like your having a fun time there and everything! Well this last week went by fast. We are still busy all day long going to apts or meetings or dinner or whatever it is! Mom you asked me in one of your emails how my talk went. I have not given it yet. It is the sundee in front of one of the quarm of the 12!! Yikes!!!!!! I still need to prepair that come to think about it! Well all is well here in zion...(so it is reffered to here but we all know that it really is Dallas!) I had my last New Missionary Training Meeting on Tuesday so now those are over. At the end of next week will be the end of my first transfer! That means six weeks in the field already! I hope I can stay in this area because we have a few baptisms planned for next transfer here. And also I am starting to get to know the people really well and that is fun. President Sonne said he likes to keep us in the same area for 2-3 transfers if he can but that is not always the case. So i will just have to wait and see what happens! 

Hey when you get back can you send me my new pair of Oakleys? I bought those to take with me but they never came in time. Also what is the status on the iPod Nano and speakers? I am wanting to get some music from other people but i dont have anywhere to put it at the moment. That and I can get all the Gen Con talks and scrips on it to listen to also! One other thing I need for my camera is a SD to USB adaptor. That way I can email some pics to you via email. 

Well you have asked to hear a little about some of the people we are teaching. The coolest person I think i have tought so far is a girl named Elizbeth Shoe. She is from China and has lived here for 7 years. She has a PHD in Bio Enginering and teaches here at the U. She grew up Budism but never really praticed it. In Feb her dog died and she was soooo devestated about it. She then emailed one of her friends which happended to be a member and he said she could meet with us to help answer where dogs and people go after they die. So I met with her when we were on exchanges and I was with our DL (district leader).  He was doing two baptismal interviews and so that ment i was teaching her by me self with her fellowshipper Paul. I went over the plan of salvation with her really quick and she liked what I tought her. She said that made more sense then buddism. She went running out the church doors to go buy a Bible, BOM, PGP, D&C because DI was closing in 20 mins! Well last night was our third time to meet and she is just better then a golden investagator!!! We gave her things to read and she is asking for more because that was not enough! We are going to take her down to Temple Square and see a new Joseph Smith Movie they have. I'm not sure if you have seen it or not but its good! She is also planning on getting baptised on the 25th if everything is still going well. Its crazy to me that she knew NOTHING about church and scriptures and she is just so willing and acceptive to learn about ours now. She also attended church last sunday for all three hours and loved it. She is also going to go to our baptism this Saturday to see one. She is just great and loves reading out of the BOM. She keeps saying things like "after I get baptized can I do this?" She is already planning on taking that next step! And she just thought I was going to answer her question about where dogs go when they die! 

This Saturday we are going to help a guy that is investgating shingle his shed that he has built him self. We went and talked with him and told us about doing it and we offerded to help. I am so stoked to do something physical or some sort or work! I am even asking people if we can mow their lawns for them! I have reached a new stage of desporation for physical work!!! I never thought that this day would come! I will take some picture of before and after. This guy reminds me of dad because he does everything himself. Even if it takes three years to get whatever done he is working on! (Don't loose anymore hair of that comment dad! You know it's true!)

Well let me see if i can attach some pics in another email. I have to borrow the SD to USB thing from my comp to do this.

Well I will talk to you later as in next week. Let me know about that package coming for me! And I also want to hear from everyone else! Everyone can email me but I cant email everyone back. So get Jeff Mark Michael to email me sometime! Brooke and Angie have sent me mail and packages so they are on my good list right now! Hahaha. Thank you much yall!

Peacing out here is E Dizze Owen!
Elder Owen
Salt Lake City Mission

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Greatings from Dublin Irlin

Another week has gone by and very fast at that. It has been a busy week, as we have been in, Paris, Kortrijk & Brussels, Edinburgh Scotland, Dublin Ireland and when you read this we will be in Normandy France.
This will be a short letter, as it's coming from my phone.
Every one is doing fine, and keeping busy for the summer. It's been 100+++ every day for over a week. It looks like sumer is here early and here to stay. I hope your enjoying the cool eve and nights in Utah.
It sounds like your doing great! Already having baptisms, teaching, learning tons. What's is I hear, you have a car? I can't beleave you pull that one off. Enjoy it, it won't last for ever. Tell us more about the families your teaching, who are they, who did you find them, etc..
Hi Scott this is mom now!  We are in dublin Ireland as I type this. It has been a fun and busy trip. We have been to belgium and Scotland.  Tomorrow morning we fly to France. We will spend a day there and visit normandy, you know, d day and all that!! We have loved the cool weather and have seen a lot of beautiful places and country. I am craving some good Mexican food!! Haha!!
Wow for u getting a car!! Let us know about all that! How is the work? How did your talk go?
Well tonight we are going to see the Irish riverdance. It should be good. It is in the gaiety theatre here in Dublin !!! No kidding!! I will take a picture of it!
Off we go. Will try and write more next week and send some pictures too. EDEP!!!
Love mom and dad. Xoxxo
Sent from my iPhone

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Sup Roach (from CHAD STOCK)

Hey Scott,

I know it is weird to read your name and not hear Elder Owen.  That is
mainly why I am doing it.  Well I hear you are pounding down a lot of
food here in SLC.  I work at the gateway mall here for Fidelity so I am
right up in your neighborhood.  

Life is pretty chill for myself here.  I just work everyday and party at
night.  I don't start school until the beginning of September so I still
have a while and yes I am kind of dating a girl right now if you wanted
to know.  Your mom was telling me that you were having a hard time with
your trainer, is that working out better for you?   How did you like the

Well I know you don't have a lot of time on P-days so I will keep this
short.  I do have one other question for you.  I am trying to get me
some Oakleys and wondered if you could let me know, or tell Jeff, where
your discount card is so I can pound me down some sweet shades?  Also,
let me know if you ever want anything since I can get it to you pretty
easy here.  It sounds like you guys get hooked up pretty well anyways,
but if you ever need something I can get it to you pretty quick too so
let me know.  

This is my work email, my other email is  Let me
know if you need anything.  My address is 

121 E. 500 N.
Provo, Ut 84606

If you ever need that.  

Keep it real Yo


Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th of July!

Dear Scott,
I hope you have had a fantastic week!  You will have to tell us what you did for the 4th of July...God Bless America!!! :)

I will try and fill you in...
We all got together and had a very american hot dog dinner on Friday night.  Everyone swam for a while, ate, visited, watched the grandkids swim and have fun.  It is kind of goofy though because we don't have any glass on the table outside! :)   After that, we packed up carmel corn, and drinks, snacks and went over to Andy Brown to watch fireworks.  The fireworks were so good!  A great night, except that we were melting in the heat!  104* that day!
Saturday Dad and Mark chain sawed  down the big tree in the front yard.  So sad!!!  It looks really strange, and we have no shade to keep the house cool.  It is down to a stump now.  We will have to get that removed, and plant a new tree.  It was so hot outside!  That night we took the boat out to Lewisville Lake and watched the fireworks.  It was not that great at all!  Lots of boats, drunks, bad rap music, and choppy water!  I don't think I want to do that again on the 4th of July, but it was OK.

Well, today Dad and I leave for Europe.  We will be gone until the 17th.  We will be going all over the place, but will still get e-mails.
I mailed your meds up, so watch for them.  How are the knees?  We couldn't believe you were getting a car!!!!  Is that just because of your knees?
We love getting your letters, it sounds like you are so busy.  I bet you are doing really well with the teaching, and helping people in SLC.  Do you know if you get to go to the new temple open house yet?
Love you lots, you are doing an important work, we are proud of you!!!!
I will try and attach a couple of pictures from 4th of July for you!  PS...I had fun in Utah for Grandpas 78th birthday.  It was weird being up there and knowing you were in SLC!  I was a good girl, and did not go to SLC!!!  Tempting though! :)
Love, Mom

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Hola mi Amigos!

Well another week already! It was a good week. I had my first baptism this past weekend and it was great. We also had a zone conferance and that was a lot of fun also. President Sonne and Sister Sonne were there and tought that. Nothing has changed with my comp but I am going to make it work i think. I am just going to butt into the lessons to get some teaching time in and just force my way into things if needs be. So far it has been going better. I think it will work out alright. I guess i need to learn how to handle these odd comps anywho!

Well the members here are soooo nice. We were at walmart again today and a member offered to buy our food for us. I turned her down because i dont like letting other people pay for me unless its you Mom and Dad! Then at lunch they slipped me money so i got free lunch! And tonight we are going to Olive Garden for dinner! I think this is better then Boliva! What do you think Michael? We get hook ups at Dry Cleaners where anything we bring in is free, car washes they just let us go whenever they are there and all sorts of other things. We get taken care of. 

Well last night we were on exchanges and I was with the District Leader. He was off doing two baptism interveiws for me and my comp and i was teaching a lesson to a non member who wanted to know if her dog that just died will go to heaven! She was really serious. So i tought her about the plan of salvation and explained that she would. Then i commited her to get baptized on the 18th this month. She accepted!!! It was weird after talking about dogs going to heaven or hell but now we have a new investagator. So it works!!! And our two baptism interviews went through so we have one baptism these next two weeks. 

We also had an interesting Sunday. We took this huge black guy to church with us and he did not speak to much english. We were a few mins late and when we got there they just started singing the nation anthom. He just stopped dead in his tracks and put his hand over his heart. We kept telling him to come to our seats and then stand but he stayed in the middle isle. Then we had our confermation from our baptism and we got up and went to the circle. Well halfway through the prayer i felt another hand come down on top of mine. So i looked up and there was our investagator!!! He just butted in and broke the circle! He was just gazing around with his hand on top of mine in there. The Bishop did not even know till we told him about it. He thought that was classical! But we did not have to re do it. It made our day and President Sonnes also! We brought it up in a New Missionary Training Meeting we went to. 

Well they are also giving me a car for my knees. So that is sa sweet!!! I went and bought an aux cord for and iPod connection today so i could connect it to the sterio once i get the iPod! Crank up a little Mo Tab if you know what i'm saying?! 

Well so far things were much better this week the the last week. Besides we have the 4th of July this Sat and we are going to a bunch of "Partys" to meet new investagtors... and for free food. Then that night we are put on lock down from 6 to 9. We have to be at a members house and chill. We were going to see if we could go to Elder Ballards house because he is in one of our stakes, but we don't know how to get ahold of him so oh well. That would be sweet though. He attends one of the wards here if he is in town. I have yet to see him but my comp has meet him. 

Hey angie i got your package!!! Thanks for the ties and stamps and SD cards and everything!!!! It was sa good and such! 

And mom i got your package from Logan! Thats why everything was Peperage Farm treats! And thanks for the G Tops! I really needed those. 

Thank you everyone for your support and letters and packages! It really means a lot to have that support. Our success right now in our area is just through the roof!!! We have so many apointments and meetings and our working our little tooshes off. We saw it pay off last night though with the new investagator and two old investagators ready for baptism. The lord is blessing us in our work efforts here as long as we do what we should. I know that to be true. Well Thanks again for everything! And mom we live on Sherman right off of 2100 S and 1300 E. So if you want to come and stop by for a bit you know to clean up the crib and all!!!! Haha.  JK

Love Elder Owen