Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Yaaa P-DAY!!!

Well your getting a letter and you know what that means, P-Day!

Well the week went by really fast again. It could be because we had our last P-day on thursday.  Thats why it seemed like you got your email from me a day late. 

Well today was really a lame p day. We went to DI a little before 10:00 to be the first set of missionarys there to grab the good ties. Well we felt like nerds because there was a whole line of people that gatered out there. It felt weird trying to be the first ones into a thrift store! The bad part of the story was there was no good ties or books or anything! We also went and warshed the Corlla and then went home and waxed on and waxed off! Grandpa would be proud of me, but not proud that we did not use Dupont Wax! (That is the best wax he says! And I think so also)

I am on the hunt for a tie rack hanger. Just something to hang my ties on and keep orgnized. If you see a good one snag it because i am not having any luck at the moment! 

Things have not really changed as far as the work goes here in our areas. Things still are slow but we keep working hard. We are still busy contacting leadership and we have gotten lots of refferls out of it but nothing promising so far. I think things will pick up here soon, or at least i hope.

Oh Mom and Dad, get as many tickets to gen conferance as you can. And the best seats possible to send to me. I cant get tickets to every session here so the more you can get me the better. And any of the extras i can give to some other missionarys. 

Well one set of missionarys in our zone had 19 baptisms this last week! And as a zone we set a goal of 22 for the month. So we have already reached our goal so next week we will have an all day P day! That will be sa nice. We will get to do a zone activty that night and watch a movie like Rember the Titins! It will be the first movie i have watched in 3 months other then the Joseph Smith Movie which i have seen around 20 times already. 

Tonight will be a fun night though. We get to go to a mutual activity. It will be at the Huntsmans home. This is the Huntsmans who donated tons of money to the Utah U for cancer reasearch and is really famous here. The activity is in his basement. A full blown bowling alley! We are so stoked! But we are there to meet the youth and meet the non members that they bring with them to the activity. And of course to bowl for a little while. 

Dad keeps wanting to know how our WML's are doing so here it is, we meet with them at least once every other week as a stake. In that meeting we go over with them one on one how they are coming with helping us find people to teach and how any of our current investagators are doing. Right now we are covering two stakes still, Foothill and Mounument Park Stakes. On Sundays we just try to attend as many Sac meetings as we can. We choose by first going to the ones where we have an investagator there and then to the ones we have not been to in a while. We typically go to around 3-4 a week. We would be able to go to more but we have meetings that day also and about half of the wards Sac meeting start at 1:00 PM. So we miss being able to make a lot because of that! We have only 3 church buildings in our area but that is only becasue our Foothill Stake Center is torn down to re build a bigger one. So we cover two more buildings out of our area and one that is out of our zone. We have to do this because Foothill is down a chapel now. So they have moved all the wards that meet there to the other three and scatterd them out all over the place. 

Well i think that is about it for this week. I still have not heard from Angie yet!!!!!! BOORAY what the heck???!!!! I need the 411 on things.  Well everyone take care and ill be waiting for those packages! I can't wait!!!! Oh and Jeff good job on biffing on the wake board! If I tried to flip i would have landed and it would have been narley and the board still would have been in one piece! (Or i would have done a belly flop!) Take care and ill be looking forward to next weeks emails! Also if you send one back to me before 5 my time ill be able to reply! So ill check before i leave! Peace Out!

Elder Owen
Salt Lake City Mission

Hey (From Megan)

Hey Scott!  It's Megan, your pitiful sister in law who has only written you once.  It is so nice to hear from you each week, it sounds as though you are doing awesome!  I wish that we could get a good missionary in our ward like you are.  I get to sit with our ward missionaries each month in ward council and I can honestly tell you that it makes a huge difference.  It seems to me that the youth of the church are the best missionary referral sources in a ward, and the better the missionary the bigger the success we have.  Have you been in the same area since you left the MTC?

Things here are going crazy!  It seems as though we always have something going on.  Anna started soccer last week and has had 2 practices, which are comedious.  We can't wait to see her first game.  Something about 4 year olds trying to dribble a ball against each other makes me laugh.  Anna is most excited about the uniform, and not so much about the actual sport.  She gets to start pre school next week and I think that I am the one who is most excited about that!  Two full days with her gone ever week....sweet peace! Blakey is doing good as well.  We have him potty trained him so that is good.  He is beginning to put more sentences together and he loves to sing. If you can check our blog and check out his version of I am a Child of God!

We are glad to hear from you everyweek and are grateful for you service to our Heavenly Father.  We are blessed grately becaus of you and your example.


August 26, 2009 (From MOM)

Dear Scott,
Wowser's! Another week flew by! It sure was a busy one around here!

Ant Nikki flew in on Thursday to surprise Angie, and come for Angie's engagement luncheon.  I picked her up from the airport, and later that evening we went over to Angie's was "meet the teacher" night, and Nikki walked into her room.  Boy was Angie surprised!  It was fun, and we had a great weekend with Nikki.  She stayed here one night, then went up to Angie's house.  We went to a movie, went shopping, had a fun lunch with the girls on Saturday, and ate custard at Culver's.  It was so nice of Uncle Aaron to surprise her with a ticket to come visit.  I hope she can do it once a year now! :)

Sunday was good.  I am on organ duty for August and Sept.  The talks were very good, spoke on temples.  Our stake has a "temple day" coming up in Sept. They want everyone to do as many sessions as they can that day.  Also, our R.S. lesson was on the temple too.  I will try and get to more sessions now the kids are back in school.

Speaking of school, the boys are back in session!  Yippee!  So far, so good.  Mark is very happy to have somewhere to go, he was getting very bored at home. Jeff started seminary today...he is also taking a dual credit course at North Lake, a business class.  He and Scott Dance ride together.  I hope it will be a good class.  I think Jeff has also made "sergeant" at the Coppell Explorers class.  He told me that last night!

The wedding plans are coming along.  Angie registered at Williams-Sonoma this past week, and I think I found some ties for the guys.  (I know you really want to know all the details for the wedding! :)  I think we do have a date...Nov. 6th.  She will have the reception at Castle Hills.  She also wants a chocolate fountain...yum.  Did I already tell you this? If I did, sorry about that!

Monday night for FHE we went boating with the Brassfields.  It was fun.  Scott B. can sure wakeboard!  He was getting some big air!  Jeff also was doing well, he even tried a flip.  I don't know what happened when he was out there boarding, but he broke his wakeboard! :((  It was strange.  I will try and attach a picture for you!  Anyhoo, we had a fun night.  Ate pizza, and spent the evening on the boat.  All the kids have left Coppell now, and headed up to BYU.  You may run into some of them, who knows!

That's about it for now.  I sure love the blog Brooke has done for you!  What a great way to journal all of your mission!  She even posted a slide show of all all the pictures you sent!  Watch your mail for a little package.  Dad mailed it off on Monday, so you should get it next week.
Lots of love to you, as Grandma Webb would say, "Keep striving!"
Love, Mom
Here are a couple of pictures:  Angie at the "engagement" lunch, and Nikki and Ang at her school.  I will send the wakeboard picture separate!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Week Number??? (I lost count)

Hello Family!

WOW! I opened up my email and had 9 email!!!! Woowzer! Its a good P-Day! Thanks for all the emails yall! 
Well out of those 9 emails i will try to answer all the questions! Lets see yes i can go to the blog Brooke is making so that is nice. We started setting this up last week. (That means it got my approval and Brooke did all the work) That will be fun to look at once i get home and to have that journal! Well this last week was crazy. We had interviews with our mission president and more training and my comp had a Dr appt and it was just a crazy week. We are still slow in our teaching pool. That means we probley only have about 8 people we are teaching. But we have lots of refferls that we have not even had time to follow up on yet because of the crazy week so far. We will be able to do that tomorrow i hope. Things are starting to pick up slowly. 

Well i am glad everyone liked the faith dinning! I think everyone said something in thier emails about it! And i can also just see grandpa testing his faith at a resturant! 

Mom i got your package! I just started laughing when i saw that pillow case. Sa cute! But i am not sure if i can use that anytime i have a comp! Just kidding i will use it! I know my comp is really wanting that. He just wont admit it. When i pulled it out of the letter i saw money and pulled it out and saw six bucks. I was wondering because that is a kinda random amount to send me. Well when i flung the pillow case open to look at it the room starting raining cats and dogs with one dollar bills! Sa fun! 

I cant believe you printed off all the pictures! that was a lot! Please send me some of them like will Elder Ballard and the pat of the church. And any other cool ones. You might need to make extra copies of a few so you can have some as well! My comp gave me a photo album that is a Utah licence plate folded into an album. It says "Powder" on it and is pretty neat. A fun keep sake. Brooke i put that picture of Naters in the album already. I think mom sent it up in that last package. 

Wow mom your getting me and ipod! Yesss! The sooner you could mail it off the better because my comp has lots of muisc i could put on it. So that would save me from buying it. Hey mom does the front yard look bare without our old tree out front?

Wow that was fun to hear from Michael. I have not heard from him since the MTC. Sounds like poor Anna misses me. Poor sweet girl! Tell her hi for me and give her a hug. She never liked me this much before. That could be because she was to busy being a stinker to me! Haha i miss her too! Sound like all is well with that occifer and his family.  I cant wait to get the package from M & M & A & B! Thanks for that, im looking forward to that. Have fun a Disney World!

Ill start sending this weekly email to everyone. I did not remember everyones email but now i have gotten emails from everyone i have them. But i do need Boorays email. 

I am guessing that everyone would be interested in my diet and cooking skills. So far i have branched out a lot more then what i did at BYU-I.  Cold unhealthy surgar ceral for breakfast. That is the one i have having the hardest time getting down. I can never get the right amount of milk and ceral. Its always very un proportional.I am now making tuna fish sandwiches and Mac and Cheese. If i am really feeling bold and daring i might pre heat the ovan to 450 and put in a $1.25 frozen pizza from wal mart for 15-17 mins. (depending on how crispy i want the crust to be!) Thats about it! I kinda feel like i am a dog after typing that because i have been eating same food for over 2 months now. HAHA

Horray for school starting up! I am happy for you mom! I know why you were always so happy now! Well i think as of right now my fav scripture is Jacob 4:8. But if you ask me tomorrow it will be another one. Everyone should go and read that. It is really a humbling scripture. One of my investagators pointed that out in his reading. It is so good because almost any question or doubt about the BOM or chuch can be answered with that one verse.

Well i g2g yo's! Hope all is well for everyone. Keep in touch and those packages coming! I will wait for them!  Dont forget this new picture of me that i attached. Its a pic of me taking in the entire Salt Lake City Vallay.

Elder Owen
Salt Lake City Mission

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Hello Elder Owen
Well another week has gone by, time seems to just be flying!  I am sure you are starting to feel the same way.  So how is
the work going?  It sure sounds like you and your new companion are staying busy.  I was glad to hear you finally got a
new one that you like and get along with.  Although he was not your favorite, I am sure you were still able to learn from
him and take some good to your new comp!  How many people are you currently teaching?  Were you able to get a fire
lit and get your WML in gear?  You already know this, but there is no better way to get referrals and new investigators
then by using members!!  I had so much more success in my mission using members, rather than working hard and long
hours out in the heat knocking doors.  Work smart and hard, but work smarter!  So are you still in the same area or
were you moved?  Mom said she got a bunch of pictures developed, and we are excited to see those.  We were looking
at the blog the Brooke has put together for you, and Anna just started crying last night and said that she just wanted to
see you!  It was soooo sad!
Well Megan and I both thought it would be a great idea to put together a lil package for you, maybe even include some
gift cards.  After your last letter though and hearing about "faith dining" it sounds like you no longer need those!  From
the sound of things, I bet you are eating well and doing just fine!!!  The losing weight is probably coming from work, rather
than not eating :)
Megan and I have decided to take a family trip in November to Disney World.  Anna kind of thinks we are going, but we
are trying to keep it somewhat of a secret, so she does not drive us nuts about it!  We are going to fly, and are staying
at a resort on the Disney property for six nights.  I think Megan is the most excited, I am excited about flying!  I am sure
Blake will love the plane also.
Well, continue the great work.  We love reading your letters each week, and it sounds like you are just doing great!!
Keep it up, and know you will continue to be blessed for all you are doing.
Love Michael

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

August 18, 2009 (From MOM)

Dear Scott,
Well I took a ride up to Utah this last weekend, and I gave you a BIG shout out as I drove by SLC on I-15!!!  Sa good!!!  I knew you were very busy and all into the work, I thought it best not to disturb you! he he!!

We got your package in the mail. Thanks!  I took the CD of photo's over to Costco and got them all developed...all 269 pictures!!!  Wow! That was a lot of photo's you had!  I will try and mail you up a few of them, you might want some to put in a frame or just see.  It was great to see them all.  You will need to label them when you get home!:)
I also had a big surprise when Brooke showed me your mission blog!!!  It was fantastic, and I just love it!!  Brooke has done such a great job!  I sent out the blog address to everyone so now that can keep up to date on you.  Brooke will post those pictures from your CD on it too.  She said she might add a slide show of all the pictures.  Anyway, I was so happy and excited for that, what a great way to record your mission.  Are you able to see the blog on your p-days?  I hope so, you will really like it!

I know you want the ipod.  You have mentioned it about 10 times now.  Did I tell you that the front yard looks so bare without that big tree now? :)  I have asked Dad about sending you that ipod, and the decision was to send you Mark's old one.  It is small and should work for you.  Now all I have to do is get Dad to actually clear it off and mail it up to you...that will be the hard part!  We will try and get that done soon for you.  Should we put Mormon Tab. music on it for you?  Let us know okay?

We have laughed a lot about your "Faith Dining"!!!  Grandpa thought it was pretty funny too.  We all went out to dinner in Bountiful at the "Mandarin" and we would not let Grandpa pay.  He said "Faith Dining" works for me!!! ha ha!  So funny!

Melanie was married this past week in the Manti Temple.  I went to her reception last Saturday night and it was so nice.  Melanie looked really pretty and happy.  I think she married a really nice guy.  He is in the pharmacist program at University of Utah.  Lots of weddings coming up.
Guess who else is engaged?  Chelsea Owen!!  She is getting married on Feb. 13th, 2010.  She graduates in Dec. with  her RN degree.  That was fun news to hear!  And of course, Angie & Ryan.  So fun, love is in the air!!

I am finally proud to say I am on the last few chapters of the BOM!  I truly have enjoyed my reading this summer.  I think I have learned more that ever with the reading this time.  I know that book is true.  What are you studying during your personal scripture time?

Jeff and Mark are back to school on Monday.  Yeah!  "It's the most wonderful time of the year!"  I will take Mark to register and get his schedule and locker tomorrow.  Jeff is busy with Vivace practices, and is working a few days at the gun range this week.  It's the last few days of freedom, then back to school!

Sad news, do you remember Glen Davis?  He passed away this past week.  His funeral was today.  It was so nice, but I wished more members would have attended.  He was such a sweet, gentle man.  He was buried in the Coppell cemetary.  He has been so ill the past year, I know it was hard on him.  I will miss his kind manner, and his handshake each week at Sac. Mtg.  He was a such a faithful person.  A sweet man.

Let's see, what else can I tell you?  Clarke Hill is working in Roy at a paint shop.  He moved down last weekend and is staying with the Hill Grandparents.  Marilyn said it was a good job opportunity for him.  He will work fulltime for a few months and save up money for his mission.  He leaves for the MTC on Nov. 4th, so he has time to work.  I think he is delivering paint/supplies to different job sites.  It will be good practice for him to get out and meet prepare him for mission work right?
I was able to see Marilyn while in Utah.  She and I have so much fun together!!  We never seem to run out of things to visit about.  She is such a dear friend.  It's great she is in No. Ogden so I can see her a little more often.

Tell us all about your week.  We love to hear about everything.  Can you send us your favorite scripture?  I need to order a plaque for the church.  I will put a picture of you on it, and want to include your scripture too.

Lots of love to you sweet boy!!!  Keep working hard.  The weeks are going by so fast!
Love, Mom

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Que Pasa?

WOW!!!!!!!! Angie is engaged!!!!! Congrats to my big sista! I figured it was only a matter of time like Mom kept hinting to me!!!!! Thats good news to hear. I saw that ring which i will refer to as "bling!" 

Hey mother dearest, I got your package! I dont know if you remember but you have told me about the tree in the front yard falling down like 8 times now! Haha. Almost every letter since it has happened! I just think that is funny. You must be getting old! JK JK. Well you said that i am getting spoiled by getting all these packages but i think its ok! Keep them coming! I sent off the CD with all my pics and a few otra things para an especial! Hey mom could you mail me a color picture of Anna and Carli hugging each other on the 4th of July? That is the cutest picture and i want to put it in a frame. I can only print it off in black and white. But i love that picture of them!

I am loving my new scrips! They are so nice and they have that new scripture smell to them. I wish i could get that as a air freshener fragrance for the car! Dont you just love that smell? Haha

Well i have an idea. Instead of putting so many treats in the packages a great idea would be some gift cards to restaurants or wal mart! Isn't that a great idea? Que bueno idea no? 

I hope that your trip up here is fun. If you want to "bump" into me go around 1300 S and 2100 E. : )
We went to the Blue Plate Dinner in our area and i guess it was shown on Dinners Drive In's and Dives. Let me just say i dont know how the heck it was shown on TV because it was not that good and it made me sick for the rest of the night!

I learned something new this past week called "Faith Dining" We go into a restaurant during the busy times and rely on our faith that some member will see us and pay for us. Lets just say so far i must have pretty good faith because it have worked! We tried it at a Costa Vida and it tasted even better free!

I liked the pics of the girls on the boat. (By girls i mean Jeff Mark Dad and Michael) I like the picture of dad sinking and going under! The first one with him actually wake skating had to have been to good to be true! Sorry Pops I know you too good! Hey Dad asked about how the meeting was with Elder Christinson and he the lord knows every time we lose a hair on our head. So i just laughed because i know that he has been watching you and Michael for quite a while slowly balding! Hahaha. 

The meeting was really good though. He talked about the Holy Ghost the whole time. There was a lot that i learned and i think everyone else was able to learn. I had to buy a poster of all the general authorities so i could mark off all the ones i have met so far. I have a few down and have not even been here 3 months yet! I wonder how many it will be at the end of the mission. 

Well the work in our area is starting to pick back up. We have been getting lot of referrals from our leadership and the members are really helping us out. I have not been able to contact Dennis yet. I am hoping he will come around soon though. But we are moving on and just continuing our work. We will check up on him every so often.

Well Dad also asked how our WML's worked. We have one for every ward and then a stake HC. I am lighting a fire underneath their butts and getting them to work. I will tell them about that. I do have a few that are just great and do everything for us! Thats what we need everywhere.

Thanks for everything everyone! Stay tuned for next weeks letter and i will for yours. Angie I want to hear from you and how NYC was!

       Elder Owen

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

August 12, 2009 (From MOM)

Dear Scott,
Well I always wonder what I can write to you each week, but this week is full of news!!!

Angie got engaged! So exciting and we are so happy for them. You knew this would probably happen right? Ang flew up to NYC, just for a few days. She did not know anything about getting engaged up there! Dad and I knew about it, and kept it a secret from the whole family!! (we are good liars). Anyway, he popped the question in Time Square, and she was so surprised!!!! Her ring is gorgeous, and she is so happy. They went to the Statue of Liberty, a broadway play Phantom, and Stomp. They also went to the Good Morning America friday concert! Had a blast, and then Angie came home on Saturday night.
Last night after Ryan got home, we all went and celebrated with them at Red Hot and Blue....yummy BBQ! So, stay tuned for wedding details. I think they will be married here in Dallas sometime in November. Thats the big news!!!

Loved your last letter!!!! You are doing so well, and I was sa proud of you for buying new scriptures. What a good boy you are. I am mailing off ANOTHER little package today for you. Watch the mail. You are getting way too many packages these days!!! :)

I am now in "Mormon" in my BOM reading. I LOVE THAT BOOK!!! I have had so many questions answered as I have read this summer, it has really been a blessing to me.

Jeff and Mark are getting bored. Jeff registered for school on Monday, and Mark goes next week. Jeff also has been doing the Police Explorers,
and had to attend a luncheon with the Chief to present his trophy from the competition to Coppell P.D. I think he will keep going this next year too. The gun range is keeping him busy with work, he seems to be in the office most of the time. He did clean a gun for somebody last week, and they tipped him 20 bucks, he was way happy with that! :) Anyhoo, Jeff is doing well. Going boating all the time with Brassfields, Dances or us!
Mr. Mark is becoming quite the wake boarder/wake surfer dude too. I will attach some pictures if I can. Mark is getting tall, and his poor voice is cracking! He mowed the lawn by himself yesterday, not too bad of a job either. (Jeff will have to repair some of it today)!!!

Well, lots of back to school shopping for supplies going on here. Now, the wedding planning will start too. I sent you a "picture" announcement of Angie and Ryan, so have fun looking at that. They are sure happy.

Thats about it for now...keep those letters coming. We LOVE hearing about your weeks. Did you ever get your suits fixed? I hope all your clothes are holding up ok. Do you like the shoes you have? Did I tell you we got the picture from Sis. Erickson? That was so fun!! You looked great, and it was such a treat to see you. Send pictures when you can ok?
Lots of love to my sweet boy, We love you so much, and know you are a fabulous missionary! Work hard, I know the Lord is blessing you beyond measure. We feel the blessing too of having you serving.
Love you LOTS!!!
Here are a few pictures....Dad trying to wake surf, the boys seem to like that! Mr. Mark wake surfing..................Cute Brooke! The Brassfields sure have a nice boat!

Weekly letter Aug - 12 - 09 (From DAD)

Elder Owen, or Scott as we call you

I hope you have had a good week. It has been the same go, go, go around here. I guess you heard the news about Ang and Ryan, We are all happy for them.

We went to dinner last night (everyone) as an engagement dinner for them. It was nice and everyone had a good time.

So how is the work going? I hope you have found a few more people to teach. Mom got an email for a lady whos so is in the Odgen Mission and I thought Id send you a part of it about Elder Perrys visit.

So, Sunday was pretty much a crazy day. You'll never guess who we ran into
at church. None other than Elder L. Tom Perry and his cheesy grin :). He was
in one of our wards for a mission president he knew who just had finished
there mission. So when we saw him, we first talked to a member of the
Seventy, W. Craig Zwick, I think, anyways Elder Perry came up to us and
shook both of our hands and asked us where we were from. Apparently he had
the gift of discernment and knew I had been out longer because he turned to
me and started asking me all kinds of questions with his hand on my shoulder
the whole time! AGHHH!!! I was so scared lol.

He asked me how many lessons we had set up this week in members homes. I
started to say "Well.... about... ugh...." and he gave me a little love slap
on the back of my head and poked me in the chest and said "Elder Norton, no
'abouts', that's why you have that planner so you can know exactly what you
have set up." Then I told him we had 4 set up for the week.

He then responded and said, "Well that isn't enough! You should be teaching
20 lessons a week here. Get a hold of your ward mission leader and have him
set up 16 lessons today for the rest of the week. I don't care if you're
teaching recent converts, less actives, part members, or non members, you're
the teachers, and the members are the finders! When you get those lessons
send me an email tonight telling me how many you have." He told us to have
our ward mission leader send the email when we told him we can't except for
Tuesday's. I was shaking when I pulled out my planner to write down his
email address. I think he told us he appreciated our work or something like
that. We had to speak in another ward right after and I was still shaking
from talking to Elder Perry a half hour later haha.

Well we got a hold of all our ward mission leaders and had 18 set up at the
end of the day. We had Bro Barton email him (when we asked our ward mission
leaders in stake correlation he said he would just so he could say he has
emailed an apostle lol). So we have a busy week set up. I wish I had used
this on people before, "Elder Perry said you need to set us up x many
lessons before tonight is over and email him and report it" haha. People
listen to you when you tell them that haha.

So, we have a lot of lessons set up for the week. Mainly less actives but we
have a few part member families we will teach. So that's pretty exciting.

So, if things are a bit slow, you might want to pass this on to your mission leaders and put them to work for you. Do you have a mission leader for each ward? Or one per Stake? How do you do it?

How did you visits go with Elder Christenson last week?

How did things work out with Dennis? I hope you were able to fine him and spend some time with him.

Im glad your new comp is working out. That makes all the diff in the worked when you’re both getting along and on the same page. Its all good exp for life.

Have you sent the CD yet? It will be fun to see some more pics.

Mom is on her way to Utah at this time for a few days and then will be back up again next month for wedding showers I know she would invite you, but I hear your busy. Sorry.

Well I have a meeting to go to so, gottorun. Get your Mission Leader on the ball and get to it. Let me know next week how many they set up for you guys.

Love you, Keep up the good work!  Dad

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Pictures soon...

Here's Elder Ballard and I

Me and the Patriarch of the church and his wife after 
they showed us Hyrams clothes the day he died.

Hyram Smith's clothes

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Hey Hey Hey

Hey Hey Hey family,

Wow another week has come and gone again! Things are working out great with my new companion so far. He is good and is not a slob like my last one. You should see our apartment and car! Its sa clean and such!

Well when you come up again tell me and i guess i could get permission from the mission president to go to lunch with you! I would have to ask him and double check. Also when your here drop off anything at the office instead of paying to ship it. 

Well i have bad news! My scriptures fell apart already! The quad i have had from when i was baptized. The binding is all messed up and the pleather ripped away from the glue. So i just got back from the Distrubtion store from Temple Square and i just spent the last of all my money for the month on a new set! I got a triple combo and bible. These are nice leather ones colored blue. They cost $75.00! But they should also last for the rest of my mission i hope! You would not mind re embursing me for those so your Elder can buy food and survive for the rest of the month?! I have already lost about 7 lbs. So im out of my monthly money already and today is only the 6th! But i knew i could not go without some scriptures thats fo sure!

Well yesterday was our zone conferance. We had lessons from our two AP's and the president. They talked about using members and how the BOM can answer any question that someone has. Even if it is an Anti Mormon question. That was good training because i have been running into lots of antis trying to trick us and prove us wrong. I dont even waist my time on them though. But that was just good training. 

Tomorrow we have a mission tour and a fireside tomorrow night. Elder Christenson of the 70 will be touring our mission. That will last till one and then back to work. Then we have a fireside with him at 7. So that will be real fun. I have met lots of members of the 70 just at church and about. 

Well we get to attend one of the Temple Dedacations but we dont get to go to the temple and watch it in person. That kinda sticks though huh! Were so close but we cant even go. Oh well. They dont have church on the 23 in all of Utah! Everyone is supposted to go to the dedacation. 

Well about all we have right now as far as investagators goes is one guy called Dennis. He was supposted to have his baptism interview yesterday at 5 PM but never showed up. At 6 we found out that our font was going to be closed for six weeks because of a flood in the basement. And then at 8 we found Dennis and he said he was done with learning about the church. So last night was not one of my best. We are still going to work with him through someone else. That does not sound like him. Everything was still good on Tue! Something happended or came up and he changed his mind. We are just keeping him in our prayers for the time being and hoping he will come through. 

Well I am going to get my pictures onto a DVD and mail them home so you can see them and get started on that scrapbook! Well i am going to get started on burning that DVD for yall! Lots of love and keep in touch EVERYONE!!!

Elder Owen
Salt Lake City Mission

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

August 4, 2009

Dear Scott,

Well, how was your week?  Ours has been going fine.  Seems to be going by really fast these days.  I did get a fun picture on my e-mail from Sis. Erickson!!  Cute picture of you and her at the parade.  That was fun to see!  You look great, and Dad really liked your "nerd" pockets with pens and missionary book in it! :)  You need to send more pictures!!!

You will be glad to know there is another package in the mail for you.  You just have to wait and be surprised on this one I guess! he he he

This week has been all about getting a lot of stuff done around the house.   Dad had a tree company come and grind the stump down in the front yard.  It looks so bare out there.  This fall we will plant a new tree, but for now, we will have to just have it look ugly.  It is way too hot to plant one yet.   This week we are in the triple digits again.  Whewww, I will be glad for fall time. ::<}
We are slowly changing all the door knobs in the house.  Dad has just about got the downstairs finished up.  Dad had jury duty today, and I worked at the hospital, so that was our fun day!
Michael took Jeff and Mark our on the boat, and Jeff went to his police explorers meeting tonight.  He is having a rewards luncheon next Monday, and he will present the chief of police with his trophy from the competition.  Did I tell you this already?  I lose track of what I have written.

My dumb computer is acting up, the hard drive is quitting on me, so we need to fix that ASAP!!  I hope I don't lose everything I have saved on it.
Oh my, that would be terrible.

Angie is flying up to NYC this week.  She and Ryan are going to the big apple.  She sure gets around with those free flights and they have so much fun.  I see a wedding in the future! :)  She is doing well, and is getting excited to be back teaching in a couple of weeks.
Your cousin Melanie is getting married on Aug. 11th.  I will go up for the reception and spend some time with G&GG.  If you are a good boy, I might send you a little especial from Logan again!!  Everyone always asks how you are doing, and I tell them you are doing so well, and how proud we are of you.  We love hearing all about your mission!!!
Well, tomorrow, I am going to Hawaiian Falls, and meeting all the grandkids there.  I will try and take some pictures to send to you if my computer quits being gay.

I am now in 3rd Nephi in my BOM reading.  I am learning so much, and trying to apply it in my life.  I really love the reading.

Also, I have been doing a lot of sewing.  Made a little quilt, some pillow cases, and a little hooded towel.  Just trying to stay busy!

In my spare time, I am still working on the stake nativity.  Ryan is going to make all the outdoor nativity pieces for us, with a little shelter and manger.  I got all the wood from Bro. Nagle, and got all the supplies for Ryan.  He will make it up in Angie's garage, so that is even better.  I think he will do a great job!  Also, it's good to get him involved in a project for the stake...he flys a lot on the weekends, and it's hard for him to get to meetings.  He is a great guy, and was good to take on that project for me.  The nativity is sure a lot of work, but I hope it will be a good missionary tool, and let other community members, and other church groups come in our building.  I bet in SLC you will have them going on too.

Do you get to go to the Oquirrh Mountain temple open house?  What do you study in your personal study time?  How are your investigators?

Well, that is all for this week.  I work again on Thursday, and then that is it for the month.  I do think I will work a shift or 2 at Lewisville medical center, they called and asked if I wanted to pick up some shifts at that hospital, so I may consider that.  Might be fun to see how things are done at a different place.

Love you lots and lots, we pray for you everyday, and know you are doing a good job serving the people in SLC.

Love, hugs, and kisses,  XOXOXO
Mom & Dad