Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Wowzzers!!! New Home?? Whaaaaaaattt?

Hola Family!

WOW your are getting the new home!!!!!!! I cant belive it!!! Like i told your in one of the letters you go through this whole house buying phase and never do buy a new home. And now you are doing it. You will have to send me a picture of our lot. If it is a big lawn we are getting a riding lawn mower. Thats part of my requriments if we move! Keep that in mind Dad!!!

Well I guess you want to hear whats new in Elder Owen's world here in the big SLC!!! Well this past week has been great! We have gotten about 3 or 4 refferls that are sounding golden. The work in just this one stake is out of control. The other two are about worthless though. But thats ok because that one stake is keeping us busy enough. We have still been working with that one family from Napal that has 33 family members. My comp said that if got all 33 baptized in one transfers that we would be ledgens in the mission. We also have about 7 or 8 really great investagators at the moment. They are also progressing great and we are planning on having some of them get baptized this transfer. So this seems to be a very motovated area, or at least one of the Stakes seems to be at the moment. They said their goal was to get to have a set of missionarys to be assigned to only there stake. I know that they will get it if they keep up this work!

Well i have a pic for yall but I dont have a SD card reader for the computer and none of the other missionarys have one either today that I can borrow. So maybe next week! So mom i did like i said and got you a picture. Also thanks for the 5 sheckles yo!

So the Sub a du buba ja buba trans pooped out? That sticks. No pun intended! : ) So are you going to get a new car or whats the plan with that? Cool stuff. Well hit me back ASAP so i can respond to ya!

Elder Owen
Salt Lake City Mission

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Week 2 in Transfer 3

Well I am shocked to see that mom and dad did not write me at all!!! That's nice!!!!! Well this week was good so far. We have been learning about our area some more and are starting to get it down. We have our Zone Conference tomorrow so we are looking forward to that. Those are always fun. It may just be because they have lunch there provided for free. Elder Rice and I have been having a great time together so far. Oh I don't know if i told you but i have a car again and this time i don't have the black box in it!!!!! That was the best news so far this transfer. We have been working with the Stakes to help us learn the area and our investigators. Our apartment that we stay is big but the people upstairs scream and yell at each other all day long. So the mission office is trying to find us a new place. It makes it fun to do our study time! Well I hope you can still get me some conference tickets!!!! Let me know what you can do on those. Also mom can you mail off more meds. 

Well I think this is just going to be a short email but i guess i can do that because i did not even get one from mom or dad. They are way to busy cruising and having to much fun! So until next week........ Peace
Elder Owen
Salt Lake City Mission

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Transfer #3

Well transfers are over for another 6 weeks. I also did not go into the Spanish program either, yet... My new comp is Elder Rice. He served in my zone last transfer and he is so cool. It is going to be a fun time with him. Well this is kinda odd. I live in my old area but i now have a new area. We cover three stakes now!!! Wowzzers! Its something over 25 wards that we cover! And our area we have is huge!!!

There is a Nepal family we are working with and they will have 32 people living with them in Oct. If we can get the Dad baptized then everyone else will do it. Can you even imagine 32 baptisms? That would be a record for the mission i think for one companionship. Crazy huh? And as of right now we have one person on date for baptism coming up. Well the three stakes that we cover are Parley, Highland and Grant stakes. Well i am excited for this next transfer. I will have to keep you up to date on things. Oh and again you don't have to keep rubbing in the whole cruise thing either. You just keep mocking me with all of these pictures! Haha

Well and also this iPod you sent me completely went poopy on me. : (   It wiped itself clean and now i can put the music back on it. This just happened right now so thats a big bummer. I think i will just go and buy one at Best Buy or something so its ok.

Well i think that is all for now. Ill talk to you later....

Elder Owen
Salt Lake City Mission

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

An Especial Email

Well today is not my pday but my comp had to do more school stuff on the computers. So heres your especial email for the day! Well i found out that both me and my comp are going to be transfered out of our area. When the companionship both leave they call that a white wash. Just in case i ever say that latter and you dont know what im talking about now you do! So what this means is i am no longer a greenie missionary! Now that i have spent over 3 months out in the field i have been trained and then this transfer, greenie broken as they call it! I still dont know where i will go but i will find that out tomorrow at transfers. 

I guess lots of other Elders have told the AP's and President Sonne that i can speak pretty good spanish. They are all wanting  me to go into the spanish program. That is just teaching in spanish full time. I dont know what will happen with that. Who knows i may get put into a little espanol. Or as grandma says "little Mexico." I would like to learn spanish but i dont really want to serve in the spanish program to much. They dont get "hooked up" as much as regular missionarys do. Haha But i would love to be speak spanish like Michael when i get home. Ill just have to wait and see "what goes down in da hood" for me. 

So today we have done lots of packing and cleaning our apt. We also have to update our Area Books which keep all the infomation and paper work in area. And we have a dinner we get to go to tonight that the mission is going to pay for. The whole zone and the AP's are going to go. This is a reward for adding 8 more people on date for baptism. Out of those 8 my comp and I put 4 of them on date. They are 4 kids from a family we have been teaching. They have plans to be baptized on Oct 2! I will be able to come back to the baptism then and be there for them. But I wont get the credit for the baptism. But that is not what matters. Thats 4 more people that are that much closer to eternal salvation!!!!

Well i am really starting to love the DI! Last week when we went i found an iHome for the iPod. It was only $15! I am such a smart shopper because they are normaly around $100. So that is my speakers and alarm clock. Sa sweet!!! The only bad thing is it is just more junk for me to haul around during transfers but its worth it!

Well you stinkers enjoy your cruise! And quit rubbing it in with all the pictures you keep sending me! Haha. Thats all for now and ill email you on Thursday!

Elder Owen
Salt Lake City Mission

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

All day P Day today!!!

Hey hey hey!

Today is an all day p-day!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah!!!!! Our zone got our goal of 22 baptisms for last month so we get an all day p day! I think we got 25 for the month. So we are doing a BBQ for dinner tonight and then we are going to watch a movie, Forever Strong. I am so stoked! So its a really good day! Hahaha

Hey mom i got the ipod! I am a happy boy now! Thanks for that. Also one of the missionary's has all the Mo Tab CD's and now i am just dumping them on my ipod. So i am good on Mo Tab now.

Bowling last week was fun. The Huntsman had 4 lanes and all the goods needed to bowl. It was sweet. If your building a new home i recommended we do that! I am astonished that your wanting to building another home. You guys have been on this new home kick on and off for years now. Like when we were looking at buying the house near the Stocks... That would be cool if it did go through though. Let me know. And dont buy the lot if it smells like Mc D's there all day. 

Wow and it also seems like everyone likes to travel right after i left. You have been to Europe and now Alaskan Cruise! Its ok because i know that you will take me everywhere that you went when i get home! Right?

Well we had 24's again yesterday. That is just when our ZL's go on exchanges for 24 hours. I went to their area for the time. This past week has been really good though. Some of our investigators have really been progressing recently. It really has been nice. That is just one step closer to coming unto Christ for them. And another step closer to baptism. Our ZL's recommended we stay in our area again for another transfer. So we will see what happens. Transfers are next Wed. so p day will be next Thursday. 

Well i am reading right now in 2 Nephi. I have just started in the beginning and started over. I am going really slow just reading and making marks and understanding. I am not just trying to read to say that i have read and blow through it. Well thats all that i can think of the write to you today. Sorry if that was short but i am brain dead. Well everyone have a good week and be safe and mail me off some packages!!!! : )

Oh and mom if you want me to label those pics just send them to me and ill write what they are on the back. Then ill mail them back to you. Reply if you have time so i can get it today!

Peace Out!

Elder Owen
Salt Lake City Mission

Howdee!! (from Megan)

Hey Elder,

I am trying for two weeks in a row!  How was you week last week?  We have been busy again but enjoying ourselves.  The weather here this past week has been pretty good not to hot.  Anna started preschool yesterday she goes for a full day, 9-2 and she loves it.  Only one more year and she starts kindergarten.  Michael started school also.  He is just taking 2 classes this semester because his work supervisor's keep him busy with TCLEOSE training weekly.  Blakey is really starting to talk like crazy....finally. He loves airplanes and helicopters and especially loves to go flying with Michael.  My calling is keeping me busy especially since school has started. We have standard's night next week and we are scrambling to put that all together, but I think all will turn out nicely.  I have never been to a standard's night so this will be a first for me.  So tell me about some of the things you have been doing this past week.  Is the weather turning into fall?  I bet it is pretty up there right now.  Let us know if you need anything!  Thank you for being such a good example to all of us and being so faithful!


September Already! (from Mom)

Hi Scott!
Wowser's! Can you believe it is September?  Fall is in the air.  I love the smell of crayons and markers!  It has been good to have the boys back in school. Life is busy, but so good:)
We had really good meetings on Sunday.  Talked about "Holding to the Iron Rod".  I was looking at the verses, and loved reading the words of that hymn.
The 3rd vrs. is:  And when temptations pow'r is night, Our path-way clouded o'er, Upon the rod we can rely, And heaven's aid implore.
The 4th vrs. (which we hardly ever sing) is:  And, hand o'er hand, the rod along, Through each succeeding day, With earnest prayer and hopeful song, We'll still pursue our way.
I LOVE that 4th vrs!!!  I think it's just like life, one day at a time, going hand o'er hand.  I also like that is tells us "through each SUCCEEDING day.
I have thought about that a lot the last couple of days, and just wanted to share that with you.  Everyday can be succeeding for us if we "hold to the rod."

Well, on to the week.  It has been very busy as usual.  If we didn't have enough to do already with leaving on Saturday for Alaska, and getting a wedding planned for Angie, and working a lot on the stake nativity....I think we have pretty much decided to build a new home!!!  We are looking over in Arbor Manors.  Do you remember that subdivision going in there?  Behind McDonalds.  There is a great lot towards the very back....Juniper Court Cul-d-sac.  There would only be 5 homes back in there, and It is nice.  The lot is right next to a green belt walking trail, so we would have no neighbors on that side of us, and only 1 house on the other side.  We are busy pouring over house plans, and trying to get it figured out.  It is a David Weekly home neighborhood.  So fun!  Also, the yard would be big enough to put a diving pool in the back yard.
So, we will keep you posted about this new thing!  We have not signed anything yet, but I think we are pretty serious about doing it.  The house would not be finished until next Mar/April or so.  We would need to get this house on the market to sell, and that is not the fun part!  If we get the lot, and house, I will send you some pictures.  I bet it would be different for you to come home to a different house!! :)

Tonight was curriculum night for Mark.  Dad went with him, and I went with Jeff to get him signed up for a SAT prep course.  Made spaghetti for dinner, and off we all went.  Divide and conquer, that is my motto these days.  Sometimes I don't understand why the weeks are so busy, but it is all good stuff.

Did you get the ipod we sent?  Can you just make that one do?  I hope you liked your little package...did you read about the Bobo's?  Fun!

Angie and Ryan now have the wedding date for Nov. 20th.  The temple was closed on Nov. 6th for cleaning!!!  Boy! Good we found that out now rather than later.  I know Angie has written you a letter, so you should feel a little more up to date on her life.  It's good!

There has been no boating this week, so not much to tell you there.  I am starting to read the BOM again, I hope to finish it for the 2nd time this year, by December.  Also working on the YW value that was added on "Virtue".  I enjoy the reading so much, and know of the truthfulness of that

Anna & Carli are both headed back to pre-school, they are so excited.  I am including a few pics of Brooke's of Brooke, a cute one of Nate, and also Kyle.  They are all growing and are so cute and fun.
I was with Blake today and he is starting to talk a lot!  Check the blogs if you can, they are just darling!!!

How are your investigators doing?  How was your bowling night at the Huntsmans?  We love hearing about all you do.
Keep us up to date on things and let me know if you need more meds. or anything else.
We will be gone until Sept. 12th, and then back home from the Alaskan cruise!!
We are going on the cruise with G&GG, they are very excited, and we will take lots of pictures for you!!!  Eat, seafood, ice cream, and seafood, and gain lot's of weight on the trip!!  :)

Lots of love to you, Elder Owen!!