Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Hola mi Amigos!

Well another week already! It was a good week. I had my first baptism this past weekend and it was great. We also had a zone conferance and that was a lot of fun also. President Sonne and Sister Sonne were there and tought that. Nothing has changed with my comp but I am going to make it work i think. I am just going to butt into the lessons to get some teaching time in and just force my way into things if needs be. So far it has been going better. I think it will work out alright. I guess i need to learn how to handle these odd comps anywho!

Well the members here are soooo nice. We were at walmart again today and a member offered to buy our food for us. I turned her down because i dont like letting other people pay for me unless its you Mom and Dad! Then at lunch they slipped me money so i got free lunch! And tonight we are going to Olive Garden for dinner! I think this is better then Boliva! What do you think Michael? We get hook ups at Dry Cleaners where anything we bring in is free, car washes they just let us go whenever they are there and all sorts of other things. We get taken care of. 

Well last night we were on exchanges and I was with the District Leader. He was off doing two baptism interveiws for me and my comp and i was teaching a lesson to a non member who wanted to know if her dog that just died will go to heaven! She was really serious. So i tought her about the plan of salvation and explained that she would. Then i commited her to get baptized on the 18th this month. She accepted!!! It was weird after talking about dogs going to heaven or hell but now we have a new investagator. So it works!!! And our two baptism interviews went through so we have one baptism these next two weeks. 

We also had an interesting Sunday. We took this huge black guy to church with us and he did not speak to much english. We were a few mins late and when we got there they just started singing the nation anthom. He just stopped dead in his tracks and put his hand over his heart. We kept telling him to come to our seats and then stand but he stayed in the middle isle. Then we had our confermation from our baptism and we got up and went to the circle. Well halfway through the prayer i felt another hand come down on top of mine. So i looked up and there was our investagator!!! He just butted in and broke the circle! He was just gazing around with his hand on top of mine in there. The Bishop did not even know till we told him about it. He thought that was classical! But we did not have to re do it. It made our day and President Sonnes also! We brought it up in a New Missionary Training Meeting we went to. 

Well they are also giving me a car for my knees. So that is sa sweet!!! I went and bought an aux cord for and iPod connection today so i could connect it to the sterio once i get the iPod! Crank up a little Mo Tab if you know what i'm saying?! 

Well so far things were much better this week the the last week. Besides we have the 4th of July this Sat and we are going to a bunch of "Partys" to meet new investagtors... and for free food. Then that night we are put on lock down from 6 to 9. We have to be at a members house and chill. We were going to see if we could go to Elder Ballards house because he is in one of our stakes, but we don't know how to get ahold of him so oh well. That would be sweet though. He attends one of the wards here if he is in town. I have yet to see him but my comp has meet him. 

Hey angie i got your package!!! Thanks for the ties and stamps and SD cards and everything!!!! It was sa good and such! 

And mom i got your package from Logan! Thats why everything was Peperage Farm treats! And thanks for the G Tops! I really needed those. 

Thank you everyone for your support and letters and packages! It really means a lot to have that support. Our success right now in our area is just through the roof!!! We have so many apointments and meetings and our working our little tooshes off. We saw it pay off last night though with the new investagator and two old investagators ready for baptism. The lord is blessing us in our work efforts here as long as we do what we should. I know that to be true. Well Thanks again for everything! And mom we live on Sherman right off of 2100 S and 1300 E. So if you want to come and stop by for a bit you know to clean up the crib and all!!!! Haha.  JK

Love Elder Owen

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