Friday, June 19, 2009

Week 3! In the Field!

Well I made it out of the MTC and can live to talk about it! Today is our P-Day because we were tied up with getting into the field yesterday. It will normaly be on Weds though just this one time it happended like this. Just FYI! Well my new comps name is Elder Pearl or as he refers to himself the Black Pearl! He is from South Africa and has been out 17 months. He is very smart and a go getter it seems. We got out of orentation yesterday around 3 and then had a dinner appt and two lessons to go and teach already! I never even got to unpack all the way. I still have not had time to today and it is my P-Day!!! We went to the temple today. I guess we can go every Pday if we can get there. We spent some of our time today helping move a new member who was baptized on Sunday. And we also went to wal mart and got some food. I only have $47 this month but normarly ill have $110. Well after our trip to wally world im down 15 already! Our area does not have a car but it is small enough. The District Leaders have a car so we just bum rides off of them and members lots. Every 6 weeks we will get transfered and depending where we go we may or may not have a car. Theres about 65 cars in the mission and 90 comps. I sent yall a had written letter yesterday with a pic of the mission president and I so you can look forward to that. There is also more info about our mission so i wont spoil it for you! We went to temple square and did a quick two hour tour and went back for more meetings. They served us breakfast and lunch because we are the greenies. 

I got your package yesterday at the mission home. It was there waiting for me when i got there. Everyone was wanting to run off with it! Thanks so much for the shirts and the treats. I really love them! The Zone leaders will go to the mission home once a week to pick up the mail and get it to me usualy on P days FYI. So email works just as good now that i cant Dear Elder everyday like i did in the MTC. Its up to you. I wil not complain about any sort of package at all!!!! Keep that in mind!

Our apt is in the basement of a members home. It is really nice! we have a kitchen and washer and dryer and its pretty roomie down there. The only thing is that the ceiling is so low that if i was any taller i would have to hunch over to walk around. We are the only companionship there so its nice. The best part is the washer and dryer!!!! Yay we dont have to pay to wash clothes! 

One of the people we tought yesterday was another new member. She is wanting to get her patrical blessing so we talked to them about that. Her husband is a member and he helped out with the lesson and we took a ward member who helped because my comp is stuck with me! (So right now he is down a person!) Anyways the new members husbands is the 2nd richest guy in Utah my comp says. He was here from the last transfer and baptized her. Their house was really nice. They were very very nice humble people though. The other lesson we tought was the member who we helped move today. So they are now out of our area. 

Our dinner apt was with the ward mission leader from one of the stakes he just took us out to dinner! We went to some nice cafe. He was also the one who took us to the temple at 6:15 this morning. I think we are having dinner with him again tonight. he is a really nice guy also. 

Well maybe by next week i will be able to mail you some CD's of all of my pics so far. What I would like to do is have two SD cards so we could mail them back and forth. That is the best way everyone says. That would save me from having to buy blank CD's and spending that time burning them. I have hardly any money so you will have to tell me what you want to do. I only have one 2 gig SD card so if you buy a new one and send it up then i can swap you and keep in touch that way. I can also have an iPod with ONLY Mormon Tab Music but we can have the scrips and teaching lessons and lots of things like that to listen to. So if dad sent me up one of his 20 different iPods clean or with some of that music stuff on it then i could use it. I would rather have some sort of iPod speakers instead, if you could send me an iPod then a boom box. That way we could plug in an aux port into any car when we have one. No iPod touch though. Nothing with internet features. Something like an iPod Nano or Classic. Not a shuffle because that would do me no good!  So if you could look into that for me and maybe get some of the scrips off of the and music so i could use it right away. Off of the website you can get all that for free and I would like it in Spanish also. I can get onto iTunes from one of the church computers and rip my CD's to an iPod and get things from other Elders so i think it would be a great learning tool for scripture study mainly because I learn better audioly it seems.

That brings up another subject!!! Here was my big suprise, we are in a very big Spanish speaking area so guess what they want me to start learnig? Spanish! My  comp is going to start teaching me. He wants me to learn not really the mission president or anyone else but 45% of our baptisems are spanish members. And the elders who can speak spanish baptize more! So i am going to try and start learing. Most of the elders were called to english but have learned spanish while they were here and not in the MTC. So I am kind of excited about learning spanish because i wanted to learn it. It would be great help teaching and for down the road like Michael. 

Well i am still a deer in headlights here but i am leaning as quick as i can. (theres tons of things i have to learn on rules and things we can do!) I think my comp will help me and do a good job even if his accent is hard to understand sometimes. He is a good guy and has lots of faith in me and during lessons just puts me on the spot and makes me learn by fire! How very nice of him! I guess they have a guy commited to baptisem on the 27 this month if thing go well with him. I have not meet him but look forward to! We are expected to do 2+ baptiems a month so this is good. Our Zone is the Parley zone and our area is Monument and Foot Hill Stakes. Yes we cover two different stakes as one set of missionarys! 

Well i think i am out of things to say here but for thanks for all your love support and prayers! I know i keep buggin you for things and am sorry but I dont have the money to buy all of it!  Being able to listen to the scrips would really help me learn during my personal study and keep me going and not falling asleep at 6:30! It is a lot to ask I know but it would help me more then you know. I would need some sort of speakers to play it off of also. Without it the ipod is worthless! THANK YOU so much again. 

Oh mom the iPhone Password should be: 112544
I think what it is asking for is the iTunes password when you download and app. If it is have dad set up your phone with your iTunes account so I dont get charged of my debit card. He knows how. Just sync it with the iMac. That is the only password i can think it would be. If that is not it try sowen2209  
If either one of those dont work just wipe it clean and start fresh with it. But one of those should work.

Well I am already working my tail off and this is noting yet. I know that the lord will bless me and you for my service. Bring others unto Christ is one of the most important things we can do here on this earth. Thanks for your love and support again and all the time you spend getting me started out here. I know that this is the one and only true church on earth and that Joesph Smith did restore it in this dispensation. I am excited to learn the ropes and spanish out here so keep me in your thoughts and prayers! Call my cell phone if you want to chat! Haha

Elder Owen

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