Tuesday, October 27, 2009

October 27, 2009

Dear Scott,

A lot has happened to you this past week, transfers, new area, new companion and such! You have been busy. I hope you have had a good week in your new area, I know West Valley is very different from the Millcreek area. I know there are probably a lot of great people, and members there and you should enjoy it.
Glad to hear you are in a nice apartment too. :)

Be sure and tell me about your baptism's this past weekend. I hope everything went well. I bet the members will all treat you so well. Do you think you will have a lot of investigators, member referrals in this new area?

We had the missionaries over last week, we fed them a big breakfast, and they left us a good message. We liked it so much, we are having them come back on Halloween night for dinner again! :) Sonic corn dogs!

We have had a big weekend. The news is, there are now 3 Coppell Wards! Wow! a lot of growth in this area too. They divided up the wards vertically, and now we are back in the Coppell 1st ward with Bishop Yorke. Bishop Huntsman was released. The bishopric is Riley Yorke, Dayton Judd, and Elliot Phillips. Dad was released as High Priest Group Leader. Lots of changes. It seems like our ward stayed a lot the same, the boundaries for our ward are basically everything west of Denton tap, up to where the Phillips live.
Now there is Coppell 2nd ward with the Taylors, Melvilles, Erickson's in it. The new bishop of that ward is Chris Strong. Dan Buhman is one of his counselors now. The new ward, Coppell 3rd, is the area where the Hurst's live, and the Weidmans. It takes in a lot of the apartments that used to be in our ward. The bishop is Brian Willey, a young guy who was in the Coppell 1st ward. Crazy, so many changes, but all good.
The bad news is our wards new time to meet, the rest of this year and all next year...2:30!! So late, but I guess someone has to do it. There will be 4 wards using our little building, and it will be busy. The church is really growing here in TX! I might mail you off the maps they gave us, just so you can visualize all the changes. We are still Carrollton Stake, and everyone really likes it.

Last night for FHE we went to Brooke's had did our pumpkin carving, ate some tortilla soup, and made some caramel apples. It was a fun night. Will send you a picture of the festivities. This Friday is the Harvest Carnival, and chili cook off. Always a fun night for the kids. It will be the last event we do together as the "old" Coppell 2nd ward. We will be taking the popcorn machine...it wouldn't be the harvest carnival without it!

That's update all for now. Seem's like these weeks just fly by, it has been very busy around here. We have had a lot of rain, and the weather is beautiful and cool out. I love the fall time.

Could you do me a favor? I am ordering you a plaque to put in the hallway at church. I would like to include a scripture on it. Will you write me and tell me which one you want? I will put of picture of you on it, the scripture and the SLC mission. It also has your date you left. I need to get that done, so please let me know.

Love you forever,

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